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#129 Investing Basics for Wealth Creation
Investing is something that we all need to be doing. Reaching financial independence before we retire, and having a comfortable retirement can only happen when we invest regularly over time.
The thing is, where do we...
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#128 Money Apps I Use
There are SO many apps out there. Not all are helpful, and some cost a lot of money over time.
In this week's episode I take you through the money apps I use and why. Also, I don't pay for any of these. They each...
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#127 Power of Money Systems
Money Systems will help free up your mind and reduce stress and overwhelm about money. Knowing what is going on and where you're money is going makes a huge difference.
In this episode I talk about:
What a Money...
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#126 - How to Future Proof Your Finances
What does it mean to "future-proof your finances"? It means to look into the future and make decisions in the present to help you achieve the future lifestyle you want.
There are often a few obstacles to this:
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#125 How Money Mindset Impacts Reality
Much of Money Mindset work is based around thoughts, affirmations belief systems and habits. It's very much about psychology. In this week's episode, I want to elevate this conversation into the practical - how does...
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#124 Give Your Money a Purpose
Finding purpose in life is something many of us are seeking, and it's a journey. Something I've learned on my journey, is that this also applies to money.
If your money doesn't have some kind of purpose, it too...
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#123 How to Money Management
Managing money is not something many of us are explicity taught how to do. We learn by observing what our parents do, what others do, and what society says we "should" do. We might get some direction instruction if...
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#122 Money Stories Holding Us Back
As children we learn through stories. Swashbuckling characters, heroes, villains, obstacles overcome, and mysteries solved. They are etched in our minds and form the basis of how we learn and how we share what we...
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#121 How Money Beliefs Impact Managing Money
What are Money Beliefs? How are they formed? How can they be changed? What impact do they have on your relationship with money and how you then manage money?
This is what I talk about in this episode, which is a...
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#120 Mental Side of Financial Abundance
Nearly everything in our life stems from how we see and process it in our minds. Money especially.
In this episode I delve into 5 mental elements to manifest and experience financial abundance:
Getting a good...
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#119 Money Essentials for Business Owners
Money is a topic that is always on everyone's minds, and particularly these days. So much is written in the media about the economic situation, and we see it daily in all our bills.
To help with this, I have turned...
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#118 Burnout and Healing Your Body with Filipa Bellette
Health is the most important thing in your life. Without health, everything else becomes harder and we can't enjoy life. Having money gives us greater choices when it comes to how we live and manage our health, so...
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